Does the mere thought of trying to get out of the house on time make you want to pull out your hair? Or maybe you’re perpetually late every time you need to be somewhere with the kids?
I get it. That used to be me too.Continue Reading
5 Spreadsheets to Set Up When You Start Your Blog
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.So you want to start a blogging business, or maybe even turn your current hobby blog into a full-time income? First you’ll need to get organized. Even if you’re not Type A, there are a few key spreadsheets that will make your blogging life easier and there’s no better time than now to set them up.Continue Reading
How To Make a New Town Feel Like Home
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.Motherhood can be really lonely, especially if you’re in a town that’s not originally your home. You want to get out and make friends, but the thought of finding your way around as this new “mommy” person you’ve become can be overwhelming. Plus the logistics of taking the kids and all their stuff along… phew! I’m tired just thinking about it.
I’ve been there.
Nurturing My Children’s Love of Science and the Maker Movement
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.Last month the preschool hosted a science night and I took my oldest son to the library for the first annual New Jersey Maker’s Day. I’ve always been a DIY girl at heart and I can hardly contain my excitement for the “maker movement.” Have you heard of it? It’s basically DIY with a technology twist. Our town is even getting a maker space, where you’ll be able to pay a membership fee to use the 3D printers, woodworking machines, and more! There’s even a digital recording studio. To say I’m pumped about the possibilities for my kids here is definitely an understatement.Continue Reading