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I don’t know about you but my son comes home from Kindergarten famished. He wants a snack the minute he walks through the door and then continually, like a chain-snacker until I say no or put dinner on the table.This is not only annoying, but expensive and not exactly healthy. I already put in the time raising my kids to love vegetables, but lately, I stopped offering them as often as I should.
So, I decided the time had come to up my game. I bought a pre-made veggie tray at the grocery store. It came shaped like a football, with veggie dip. The kids dug in and it filled them up on healthy veggies while they were hungriest. So now, even though we still wait for my husband to eat dinner, I don’t stress as much if they don’t clear their plates. I know they’ve filled up on healthy foods.

Want to get even more veggies in your own, or your kids’ diets? Try this tip too.
Pulling out the veggie tray when the kids insist on pre-dinner snacks has really helped curb their requests, but it doesn’t always work as easily as it did the first time I tried it.
At some point, I want to try to make homemade versions of our favorite snacks too like
• Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies
• Fruit Snacks
• Fruit Roll-ups
• Graham Crackers
• Granola Bars
• Oreos
So I’m collecting recipes on my Homemade Snacks Pinterest Board. Check it out here.
Follow Amy Pessolano | Umbrella Tree Cafe’s board Homemade Snack Recipes on Pinterest.
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