On our very first camping trip my kids, then 3 and 1.5, woke up and immediately started chanting, “We’re freezing!” and “Cold!”. My husband kept sleeping and I couldn’t get the fire lit so I did what any quick thinking mom would do. I put the kids in their car seats, gave them their chocolate milk, and sat there with the car heater running until we got warm. Not my best moment, but it got the job done. That trip was in May.
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DIY Lego Movie Emmet and Batman Costumes
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.My kids absolutely LOVE to dress up for Halloween and every day pretend play, so I try to pick a DIY Halloween costume that goes with their current interests. This year, they really loved the Lego Movie. This Emmet costume and Batman made the perfect duo and it was so fun to put these together for them.Continue Reading
Yell Less Love More Review: Why I Love The Orange Rhino’s New Book
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.I received an advanced copy of the book Yell Less Love More: How the Orange Rhino Mom Stopped Yelling at Her Kids and How You Can Too! in order to make this review possible. My opinions are 100% my own and I was planning to buy the book anyway.
This occasional Monday post is becoming my place to share personal stories about becoming the mom I want to be. I strive to be mindful, intentional and proactive, not a frazzled hot mess who lets my kids push my buttons. Just like life, finding your “Mom Voice”, discovering your calm and happy place, learning how to take care of you AND your family at the same time…. It’s all a journey with hills and valleys.Continue Reading
My Son Started Preschool: How I’m Managing My New Daily Routine
This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.I’m not going to lie, that first week plus 2 half days was ROUGH! ROUGH with all capitals and my son is only in Pre-K (although it is full time). Sending your first baby off to school is an emotional time.Continue Reading