Every time we went on a Girl Scout hike, we packed GORP. What is GORP you ask? Good Old Raisins and Peanuts.
It’s that simple.
It’s that easy to make GORP.Continue Reading
where smart women gather to talk life, business, and family fun
Every time we went on a Girl Scout hike, we packed GORP. What is GORP you ask? Good Old Raisins and Peanuts.
It’s that simple.
It’s that easy to make GORP.Continue Reading
Camping with kids is such a fun adventure, but if you’re not prepared, it can be a bit exhausting. It’s not like you can turn on the television for some down time and there are A LOT of new and exciting things for the kids to see and touch.Continue Reading
On our very first camping trip my kids, then 3 and 1.5, woke up and immediately started chanting, “We’re freezing!” and “Cold!”. My husband kept sleeping and I couldn’t get the fire lit so I did what any quick thinking mom would do. I put the kids in their car seats, gave them their chocolate milk, and sat there with the car heater running until we got warm. Not my best moment, but it got the job done. That trip was in May.
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